Fall 2023 Executive Function Program with Seth Perler
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Executive Function Coaching
Fall Enrollment Closes Friday, September 15
About Seth's Fall 2023 Program
Action + Accountability = Results
What if by the end of this semester, your child finally has the executive function foundation they need to be successful?
If last semester didn’t go so well, and your child needs real strategies, I created this group coaching program for you, to help build the right foundation.
You get concrete strategies from me, live, to support your child's Executive Function, so they can gain the skills to be successful in school and life.
This program gets phenomenal results, so your child and you can have less stress, save more time, have more success, freedom and fun. It’s fun, light-hearted, down-to-earth, shame-free, and positive! You don’t have to do it perfectly, you just have to show up and try. Just do your best, stack wins, you WILL see big results if you do this with imperfect action.
Start date: Fall 2022 Momentum Group starts Saturday, September 10, 12:00pm Pacific/PST, 3:00pm Eastern/EST.
Ages: Momentum is best for Middle and High School, and the diverse ages work well. Some college students attend. The neurodiversity in this group is fantastic
Who it's for: This program is for .
What you get:
- Get Live Coaching with Seth. We get to know each other so I can I personally coach and encourage your child and you.
- You get my UGYG Executive Function Course as the base, and Momentum is the in-depth group coaching program for students and parents together, where I guide you personally through it, with accountability.
- 7 SPRINTS. Sprints are likw quick bootcamps where we take action together. Each sprint will focus on one core building block. In-depth coaching to take action together, and finally build the right systems, skills, and habits. Coaching to learn how to "maintain" your new systems, how to stay on top of it, so things don't fall apart!
- STUDENT COACHING, & Co-working to work on finer details.
- PARENT COACHING. I meet with parents for office hours and Q&A to dive deep.
- Support: Get connected to an awesome group as you hear how others are going through the same things. Feel a sense of relief as your child builds EF skills.
- Private Hub: For people in Momentum, there is a special hub with everything you need (Indexed replays, calendars, zoom links, access to your UGYG course, parent resources, etc.)
In gratitude and service,
Seth Perler, M.Ed.
About Bootcamps
ABOUT: At the heart of the Momentum Program is a 4 week series of live Massive Action Bootcamps, where I coach your child and you to get all of the pieces in place that a successful student needs, once and for all.
- BOOTCAMP 1: Excavate: Declutter the physical and digital stuff that’s in your way, keeping you stuck.
- BOOTCAMP 2: Lay The Foundation: Get the key systems built out, the right way, once and for all.
- BOOTCAMP 3: Frame Your Home: Build the critical habits and routines.
- BOOTCAMP 4: Finishing Touches: Learn about the remaining keys to success.
These are designed so we can take MASSIVE ACTION together, step-by-step, with accountability, to set you up for a great semester, like never before. Yep, they’re long, but trust me, they are manageable, and worth the time, because they will save your child and you so much more time and frustration for years to come.
WHO: Students and parents attend these together.
WHEN: 4 Saturdays, 5 hours each, with action breaks. Times: 12:00-5:00pm PST, 1:00-6:00 pm MST, 2:00-7:00pm CST, 3:00-8:00pm EST. TimeZone Converter
Bootcamp 1: EXCAVATE
Sat Sep 10, 5 hour Bootcamp with breaks
Students AND Parents attend together
GOAL: Declutter, and get rid of physical and digital stuff that’s in your way.
About The “Excavation” Bootcamp: Imagine your life is like building a home. For a house, excavation (aka “site prep”) is necessary before you lay the foundation. To build the coolest home you can imagine, you first have to excavate the land, and get rid of things that are in the way, otherwise there will be problems like flooding or ground crumbling.
During this bootcamp, we excavate, or declutter key areas, so you can be ready to lay a solid foundation next week. This includes massive decluttering of old papers, backpacks, junk, email, drawers, piles, etc. You’ll feel a huge sense of relief when done! You’ll also learn about your awesome brain and more about Momentum.
Sat Sep 17, 5 hour Bootcamp with breaks
Students AND Parents attend together
GOAL: Set up your foundation of solid organizational systems and structures.
About The “Lay Your Foundation” Bootcamp: The structure of your home is built on a foundation, and if it’s not solid, you can’t build a good structure, and the house will fall apart, walls and floors crack, doors won’t shut, etc.
Today we will completely build out the essential foundational organizational systems you need to make life easier. These will be personalized to you. This includes full setup, the "right" way, of backpacks, folders, study space, planners, etc..
Sat Sep 24: 5 hour Bootcamp with breaks
Students AND Parents attend together
GOAL: Build framework of solid Habits & Routines
About The “Frame Your Home” Bootcamp: For a house, this is where you think about how everything will flow. It’s how you make your rooms, and think about the layout. So today is about building the right Habits & Routines so things flow well for you.
Sat Oct 1: 5 hour Bootcamp with breaks
Students AND Parents attend together
GOAL: Finish by getting the final pieces in place.
About The Finishing Touches Bootcamp: To finish a house, you customize it with paint, flooring, cabinets, light fixtures, etc. Today we’re going to dive into the Finishing Touches, like: Studying, accountability, advocacy, mindset, metacognition, self-care, and more.
About Sprints
ABOUT: Sprints are 2 hour coaching calls where we maintain everything we've built, so we can stay on top of it, and so things don't fall apart!
There are 6 Sprints: 3 Maintenance Sprints, plus 3 Bonus Sprints
WHEN: Saturdays, 2 hours with breaks: 12:00-2:00pm PST, 1:00-3:00pm MST, 2:00-4:00pm CST, 3:00-5:00pm EST. TimeZone Converter
How to enroll? + REPLAY of enrollment call
What is the investment?
What You Get and How it Works?
Who is Momentum For?
Is there enough student Buy-in?
Why I created this program
Will These Be Recorded?
What about College Students & Young Adults?
*Register to attend FREE and Check out the VIP Upgrade + Bonuses
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