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Help - FAQ - About Page

What is TEFOS? 
The Executive Function Online Summit is a Free, 4-day, online learning event I created for parents, featuring leading experts on topics related to parenting children with Executive Function challenges.

2024 is our 6th annual event 😃 Welcome! Register Free

How does it work? 
TEFOS is a 4-Day "Immersion", where the intention is to do your best to completely immerse yourself in learning about Executive Function for the weekend, and walk away feeling much more empowered to support your child. Register free, then I email you access Aug 9. Get it in your calendar for Aug 9-12, plan some big chunks of time to invest yourself in learning with us that weekend. You will experience plenty of great a-ha moments.


Help parents, and other concerned adults, help children to better navigate school & life through better Executive Function.

Who is it for?

Parents. A lot of teachers, therapists, tutors, grandparents and others attend. Register Free >

Why share?

If you like TEFOS, please consider telling others about it, because word of mouth recommendations are the best way to help us get the word out. Please help spread the word far, wide, and often. Here's the homepage link people share  https://executivefunctionsummit.com/

In gratitude and service,

Seth Perler, M.Ed.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

SCHEDULE, Aug 9-12


When is the All-Access Pass on SALE?

Why and HOW to Share the summit link (Video)

Top 10: How to get the most out of TEFOS

Is TEFOS really FREE?

Testimonials (see some or leave one)

How does registration and attending work? Do I have to RE-register if I was at the last one?

Can Teachers, Therapists, Grandparents or others go?

Where are attendees from?

How will TEFOS benefit me? (parents, educators, etc.)

Is there a TEFOS Facebook group

Inclusion Equity & Diversity

Who is Seth?

Why Seth created TEFOS

How does Seth choose the experts?

What's the coolest thing about TEFOS?

Is financial help available?

CEUs: Is Continuing Education available?

GROUP LICENSE: For a School or Organization?

Can I be an Affiliate?

Can I contact Seth?



© 2019-2024 Seth Perler.

All rights reserved.

*Register to attend FREE and Check out the Early Bird Sale for our new All-Access Pass + Bonuses