
You missed out!

The Executive Function Online Summit

 AUGUST 9–12, 2024

Parents & Teachers –

Learn How to Help Struggling Students Have an Awesome School Year

Or get Early Bird Sale on Lifetime Access + VIP Bonuses

Customers served! 0 Parents have already registered
Customers served! 0 Leading experts have taught over the past 6 years
Customers served! 0 Countries worldwide are represented by TEFOS families

How is TEFOS '24 different?

Every year since 2018, tens of thousands of Parents join us for a transformative weekend. Because TEFOS is different.

It's all about  IMPLEMENTATION

TEFOS isn't about your typical "Parenting Tips". It is about eye-opening, unconventional, and practical tools designed to help revolutionize how you support your child.


You won't just walk away with a head full of information, you'll actually know what to DO to help your child.

You'll know exactly how to implement it.

Enter your email above to get Free Access August 9-12. 

Get Early Bird Sale on Lifetime Access + Bonuses

What is TEFOS?

From: Seth Perler

To: Parents & Educators who want to help struggling students.

Hi from Seth!

Parents often say, "I just want my child to be happy and successful."

But knowing HOW to help a neurodivergent child who struggles, can be baffling.

Especially if they resist help. 

And parents just want to know what to DO to help their child.

That's why I created TEFOSThe Executive Function Online Summit where you can learn more in 4 days than all of last year:

  1. To give you game-changing, practical strategies you can actually implement proactively to support a student who struggles with the Executive Function Skills needed for success in school & life.

  2. To help you build an exceptional understanding of your child's EF needs.

  3. So you don't waste precious time trying to figure out how to help your child this year.

  4. And to teach the world about Executive Function, so more kids can get what they need.

How it works?

It's Free. Register below to save your seat for Aug 9-12. I'll email your free access when we air. All expert lessons will be available to you all 4 days of the event.

During Aug 9-12, immerse yourself in learning for 4 days. That commitment is what makes it easier to implement strategies this fall.

Don't want to wait or be limited to just 4 days of the event? 

Upgrade to a VIP Pass to get unlimited lifetime access to 50+ hours of expert strategies right now.

Expert Lineup

I feature heart-centered experts in Executive Functioning, parenting, ADHD, autism, anxiety, learning differences, neurodiversity, giftedness, 2e twice-exceptional learners, emotional regulation, and social challenges.

The experts come from the heart, who "get" your child. And you can feel it.

See speaker bios and TEFOS '24 topics here >

Fri, Aug 9

Sat, Aug 10

Sun, Aug 11

Mon, Aug 12

2 Ways To Benefit

FREE: 4 Days of Access

 4-DAY Free Access from August 9-12

Free Access to Expert Lessons

40+ expert lessons during our 4-Day event.

Your personal free access link will be emailed to you on August 9, when we air.

2 Free Bonuses from Seth Perler

  • Printable EF Tips Guide.
  • "10-Days To TEFOS" mini series to teach you all about EF.

VIP Pass: Lifetime Access

 Lifetime Access + VIP Bonuses

Your Own Lifelong Copy

All-Access Pass – get it today and keep forever

VIP Bonuses

  • Teacher Tips to support EF in the classroom
  • Heartfelt, inspirational messages FOR STUDENTS, straight from the experts
  • Lifetime access to all resources
  • Audio
  • Transcripts
  • Special implementation printables from the experts

Early Bird SALE going on NOW – Aug 8 

75% off the normal price of $399 = $99 

PLUS an additional $10 off 89 Bucks

What People Are Saying

...it focused on empowering my child to lead their own learning...

TEFOS covered topics such as sensory processing, ADHD, study skills, reducing stress through self-regulation, dealing with my child’s inner critic, creating a growth mindset, how to deal with complicated or negative emotions related to learning, the brain and how it relates to executive function. Additionally, it focused on empowering my child to lead their own learning, eliminating physiological problems that might interfere with learning, and SO MUCH MORE!

Jolene, Mom to a 7th Grader

...I loved the creativity, passion, competence, and caring [SPEAKERS] brought for our families...

TEFOS is amazing and so very helpful.
As a parent, partner, and professional fully immersed in 2e issues, I learned so much from the speakers.
I loved the creativity, passion, competence, and caring they all brought for our families. All of these talks were so helpful and some were downright mind-blowing.

Riah E., SLP and Parent of a 2e 6-year-old

This weekend has been a rollercoaster...

I’m sitting here watching Mike Postma’s session and I’m crying. I’m trying to hold back the sobs. It’s not even so much the sadness of past failings for my child but overwhelming hope and relief that I have more insight to help my son going forward. After watching Jessica McCabe’s session I hugged my husband and apologized for forgetting that he has ADHD and things can be hard for him. Oh my. This weekend has been a rollercoaster. Thank you Seth - so much - for putting this together. I bought the All-Access Pass and can’t wait to show my son the student videos. :)

Melanie M., Mom of a 10-year-old girl

Let the experts guide you

into successful school year

Every year since 2018, tens of thousands of Parents join us for a transformative weekend, learning about Executive Function concept.

EF has everything to do with how our brain helps us to create a great quality of life. EF Skills are what we all depend upon to build and maintain happy, healthy, and successful lives.

Register now to join 100,000+ people, from over 128 countries worldwide.

*Enter your email above to get Free Access August 9-12. 

Get Early Bird Sale on Lifetime Access + Bonuses

What is Executive Function and Neurodiversity?

And how does this event help?

Executive Function refers to the many skills our brains use to get things done. Everything from homework, studying, and chores, to getting ready for school or tackling responsibilities, to playing video games or with toys. 

In other words, it's about how we execute complex tasks through to completion.

It's also how we prioritize the important things over the fun or preferred things, when it matters for our future well-being, quality of life, and bigger goals.

If a child struggles with: 
starting or finishing important tasks, focusing, organizing, managing time, schoolwork, resisting distractions, prioritizing, remembering details, overwhelm, emotions, realistic self-awareness, making good decisions ... they're still developing EF skills. And the right support is makes all the difference.

Neurodiversity is About 

Learning Differences

It's about how our brains are unique in how we think, process, feel, and experience the world. This perspective allows us to use strength based approaches to educating and raising kids, rather than focusing so much on deficits, disorders, weaknesses, or noncompliance.

Supporting kids effectively requires compassion, empathy, kindness, and strategies that understand brain development. This can be challenging because there is a lot of misunderstanding around EF, and because ineffective, top-down approaches are the norm.

TEFOS helps you help your child!

*Register above to attend Aug 9-12 FREE and

Check out the Early Bird Sale on our VIP Pass + Bonuses

Meet Your Host

I'm Seth Perler, former Teacher turned Executive Function, ADHD, Neurodiversity & 2e, Activist, Speaker, Coach, Advocate, and more.

My life is dedicated to helping struggling students learn to navigate school and life, so they can have a great quality of life now, and a fantastic future, full of possibilities, choices, and opportunities, where they can achieve their goals, develop their strengths, and contribute in ways that matter to them.

Executive Function is THE key, and I created TEFOS to give you exceptional tools to support kids who struggle.


Or see the complete FAQ page here >

TEFOS '24 Schedule & Lineup


Does my child even have Executive Function challenges?

Is it really Free?

7 Ways TEFOS helps Parents, Teachers & Professionals

How does the summit actually work?

Should I RE-Register if I was at TEFOS last year?

Who is Seth?


Please Help Share

Finally, if TEFOS helps you, I have an ask...

💪 Our experts are here to help change lives, because there are countless kids out there who are misunderstood, and not getting the right support.

🔗 Sharing this homepage is THE BEST WAY parents find out about us!

💙 So please share ExecutiveFuncitonSummit.com far and wide, with friends, groups, or on social to help us get the word out!


Seth Perler

© 2019-2024 Seth Perler.

All rights reserved.

*Register to attend FREE and Check out the Early Bird Sale for our new All-Access Pass + Bonuses