Let's Help Struggling Students Shine
Parents & Teachers, welcome to your go-to site, SethPerler.com and ExecutiveFunctionLab.com are your go-to sites for how to help struggling students with “Executive Function” challenges. (ADHD, ASD, 2e, and Neurodivergence).
Join over 95,000 proactive & compassionate families worldwide.
My Sunday email updates are 100% Free, to the point, full of practical tips to help your child, and never spam.
EXECUTIVE FUNCTION is THE Key to helping students to…”

Get unstuck, make school easier,
and less overwhelming

Improve grades, organization,
and planning

A future
with more choices
Follow the 3 Simple Steps to dig into EF and learn new strategies to help your kids
Step 2: Get ongoing live coaching
Get results with Community, Courses, and Coaching to support students, parents, and educators. In Executive Function Lab, I guide you with how to help build the EF Skills kids actually need for school and life success.
- EF-Lab is a supportive community of compassionate & proactive parents.
- We help each other get results that matter for struggling students with Executive Function challenges.
- It's all about IMPLEMENTATION, and helping each other take action.
Step 3: take an EF Course
Learn my Executive Function coaching methods, step-by-step, for students, parents, or professionals
- UGYG – UpgrAde Your GrAdes: An in-depth, semester-long, online course to teach my Executive Function coaching methods to students and parents. GROUP: There is a live group option, working directly with me.
- EF101 – Executive Function 101: is a crash course in EF that I built because parents and teachers kept asking for something that would give them a good foundation in executive function. This is for adults.
I’m Seth Perler, recovering “lazy failure” of a student, and former teacher turned Executive Function Expert Nerd. I help misunderstood kids learn how awesome they are, while creating breakthroughs to help change their trajectory… for good.
And I can’t wait to show you how! I teach parents and educators how to use my non-traditional, yet practical approaches to help kids boost EF skills.
And I get it firsthand because I’ve been there ( my story ), and have helped thousands of parents and teachers learn what works, despite all the outdated educational fluff

What People Are Saying

...TEFOS takes a complex topic and makes it accessible and fun!
Year after year Seth gathers an incredible cadre of experts to help parents and educators understand and gain actionable strategies to support students struggling with EF challenges. The most amazing thing about TEFOS is how laser focused it is on Executive Functions and how it features presentations and interviews that shines different lights on the same topic - there is truly something for EVERYONE!
Julie Skolnick,
2e Expert, With Understanding Comes Calm

...it focused on empowering my child to lead their own learning...
TEFOS covered topics such as sensory processing, ADHD, study skills, reducing stress through self-regulation, dealing with my child’s inner critic, creating a growth mindset, how to deal with complicated or negative emotions related to learning... Additionally, it focused on empowering my child to lead their own learning, eliminating physiological problems that might interfere with learning, and SO MUCH MORE!
Jolene S.,
Mom to a 7th Grader

...It's a lifeline for families navigating the complex world of EF challenges.
Seth's unwavering dedication to empowering parents of neurodivergent children shines through every aspect of TEFOS. I've witnessed firsthand how this summit transforms lives by offering real, implementable strategies that go beyond typical parenting advice. TEFOS isn't just an event; it's a lifeline for families navigating the complex world of executive function challenges.
Emily Kircher-Morris,
The Neurodiversity Podcast

...I loved the creativity, passion, competence, and caring [SPEAKERS] brought for our families...
TEFOS is amazing and so very helpful.
As a parent, partner, and professional fully immersed in 2e issues, I learned so much from the speakers.
I loved the creativity, passion, competence, and caring they all brought for our families. All of these talks were so helpful and some were downright mind-blowing.
Riah T.,
SLP and Parent of a 2e 6-year-old

...Engaging and interesting...
TEFOS is one of my all-time favorite summits! Seth brings together an incredible collection of experts and interviews them with curiosity, intelligence, and humor. He keeps the sessions extremely engaging and interesting. It's always a great pleasure and true privilege to participate!
Dr. Sharon Saline,
ADHD Expert & Author

This weekend has been a rollercoaster...
Seth, I’m sitting here watching Mike Postma’s session and I’m crying. I'm trying to hold back the sobs. It’s not even so much the sadness of past failings for my child but overwhelming hope and relief that I have more insight to help my son going forward. After watching Jessica McCabe’s session I hugged my husband and apologized for forgetting that he has ADHD and things can be hard for him. Oh my. This weekend has been a rollercoaster. Thank you Seth - so much - for putting this together. I bought the VIP Pass and can’t wait to show my son the student videos. :)
Melanie K.,
Mom of a 10-year-old girl
What is Executive Function and Neurodiversity?
Executive Function refers to the many skills our brains use to get things done. Everything from homework, studying, and chores, to getting ready for school or tackling responsibilities, to playing video games or with toys.
In other words, it's about how we execute complex tasks through to completion.
It's also how we prioritize the important things over the fun or preferred things, when it matters for our future well-being, quality of life, and bigger goals.
If a child struggles with: starting or finishing important tasks, focusing, organizing, managing time, schoolwork, resisting distractions, prioritizing, remembering details, overwhelm, emotions, realistic self-awareness, making good decisions ... they're still developing EF skills. And the right support is makes all the difference.
Neurodiversity is About
Learning Differences
It's about how our brains are unique in how we think, process, feel, and experience the world. This perspective allows us to use strength based approaches to educating and raising kids, rather than focusing so much on deficits, disorders, weaknesses, or noncompliance.
Supporting kids effectively requires compassion, empathy, kindness, and strategies that understand brain development. This can be challenging because there is a lot of misunderstanding around EF, and because ineffective, top-down approaches are the norm. TEFOS helps you help your child!
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