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TEFOS, The Executive Function Online Summi
With Seth Perler
Airs August 10-12, 2024
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We help Compassionate & Proactive
Parents & Educators in over
126 countries worldwide.

How it works
Hi from Seth Perler, I'm thrilled to bring this heart-centered event to the world for the 6th time, Aug 11-15, 2024, and I'm deeply grateful for everyone who is a part of it. Help get the word out, and let's help more people!
Benefits of Being an Affiliate
- TEFOS is The Executive Function Online Summit, at
- Earn 40% commission from sales that come through your link, an exceptional rate.
- Many affiliates earn $5000 - $10,000.
- By helping us get the word out, you help so many parents and educators who are desperately looking for better ways to support the kids they love.
- You're a part of a very special event that serves families in over 126 countries worldwide. It's the largest Executive Function event anywhere.
- It's fun and easy!
- You can connect with leading experts and like-minded people in the field.
- The experts are top-notch and come from the heart!
- We help you with easy marketing ideas.
- There are no pressure sales ever. It’s free for anyone to attend from Aug 11-15, and people can buy the All-Access Pass, with bonuses.
- After you get 1000 clicks, if you want to be added to a page that highlights something you're working on, we add you to that so you can get excellent visibility.
How to know if you should apply?
- You're willing and able to effectively share your affiliate link far and wide via email lists and/or social.
- You care about my mission, and serving kids.Attendees can buy an All-Access Pass, with bonuses, which is where you can earn money.
We speak to parents who are concerned about how EF challenges impact their child.
Many teachers, therapists, and other professionals attend.
Why did I start an Executive Function Summit?
(The short answer is that I’m sick of seeing kids suffer.) My life's work is about helping kids who struggle with Executive Function, because if they don't learn how to "execute" on the important things, it impacts quality of life. I want kids to have a great future filled with choices, possibilities, and opportunities. I want them to have happy, healthy and successful lives with joy, peace of mind, great relationships, and fulfilling work. Executive Function is one of the keys to this. So THAT is why I do TEFOS, to help more people learn more about EF, and thus help more kids.
Mission of TEFOS
Teach the world about Executive Function, get the term "Executive Function" more into the vernacular, in a more meaningful way, so more kids can get better support.
What People Are Saying...
"If you have a child struggling in any way with Executive Function issues, TEFOS is worth your time and investment! TEFOS covered topics such as: sensory processing, ADHD, study skills, reducing stress through self-regulation, dealing with your child’s inner critic, creating a growth mindset, how to deal with complicated or negative emotions related to learning, math and flexible thinking, the brain and how it relates to executive function, empowering your child to lead their own learning, innovations in biofeedback, eliminating physiological problems that might interfere with learning, and SO MUCH MORE!
The ALL-ACCESS-PASS provides bonus materials and puts the power in the hands of the viewer to move at their own pace. The free option is excellent as well! You can watch all of the videos as they are available during the three-day summit. I recommend trying to watch them all, but if time is limited, it helps to be able to pick and choose or prioritize your listening time.
Seth and this team really knocked it out of the park, and I cannot wait for next year!"
--Heather, Homeschool mom of 6th and 8th grade girls, Alabama
"Seth I’m sitting here watching a session and I’m crying. I’m trying to hold back the sobs. It’s not even so much the sadness of past failings for my child but overwhelming hope and relief that I have more insight to help my son going forward. Oh my. This weekend has been a rollercoaster. Thank you Seth - so much - for putting this summit together. I bought the access pass and I can’t wait to show my son the student videos. :)"
-- Melanie M.
"I've purchased the TEFOS All-Access Pass for three years and believe it is a graduate-level class on executive functioning for only $99, and it's an incredible deal. Just buy it, then watch each video, take notes, summarize the key points in your own words and you'll be a MUCH better parent or educator. Several key concepts I teach in my course, The Art of Adulting, are those I've learned at TEFOS including:
-- The Procrastination Equation and Mimetic Ideation from Sarah Ward,
-- Get in Gear from Gretchen Wegner and
-- New Task Demands Create Stress from Jessica McCabe.
-- Yulia Rafailova shared her Self-Assessment and Resistance, Chaos and Transformation (The Learning Curve).
-- Seth's In-Depth Overview of Executive Function informs so much of my coaching of autistic young adults and their families systemizing self-reliance together.
You won't be sorry!"
-- Lynn D., Adulting Life Coach
© 2023 Seth Perler. All rights reserved.
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