Get The Spring Reset
All-Access Pass
What You Get
It's an easy "Heck Yes!" See why...

- Get searchable videos of all expert sessions, with Timestamps and Closed Captioning.
Micro-lessons organized so you can find help when you need it most.
- Revisit the content as often as you want, to deepen your understanding of how to support your child.
- Get more out of it every time, as your brain integrates more nuances.
- Adjust the speed to your liking.
Listen on any device, when & where you want.
People love to listen to these when they're driving, walking the dog, exercising, grocery shopping, etc.
Download audio files (starting Jan 10).
Adjust the speed to your liking.

Get timestamped transcripts of every talk, so you can easily find what you need.
Download transcripts to your device.
Print hard copies to hi-light or write notes on.
I designed this workbook to guide your note taking to get the most out of it, and help you take action on the teachings.
There is a LOT of information to take in, and this research based method helps clarify key themes.
Print it, or use the digital version.
The Spring Reset All-Access Pass is a phenomenal RESOURCE to guide you throughout this entire Spring Semester, when you need it most. It gives you PRACTICAL expert STRATEGIES, you can actually IMPLEMENT to help your child!
Parents & Educators, get an incredible package full of game-changing strategies to teach complicated, struggling students how to get unstuck, make school easier, and shine.
Psst... It's all about "Executive Function," which is THE most important concept adults "should" understand, but don't.
The All-Access Pass comes complete with:
Lifetime access to the entire event so you can freshen up your strategies over and over. Many families like to revisit the content many times to deepen their knowledge.
- Because of the search platform I built this on, you can find any topic, easily, whenever you need it.
All packaged in an easy to navigate learning experience.
Plus 3 Bonuses

#1: Bonus Speakers
Get even more powerful strategies.
Brendan Mahan is our bonus speaker for those who have purchase the All-Access Pass.
1. How to deal with the WALL OF AWEFUL.
2. AAA method to manage emotions.
3. How to make a Spring Semester Success Plan.
4. How to FIND resources for your kid to execute their success plan.
Nicole Tetreault, PhD teaches us the power of breath and a special Box Breath training.

#2: Youth Vids
Now these are the coolest. I had each expert make a 1 minute inspirational video just for students,
for when your child needs encouraging words of wisdom!
We often hear parents say, "my child won't listen to me when I suggest things," so I had speakers share their heartfelt message directly to kids, to help with buy-in, and because they have incredible wisdom.
We get a lot of feedback that these are incredibly helpful. Enjoy!

#3: Expert's Resources
I asked each expert to share some of their PERSONAL FAVORITE RESOURCES, so we could make this clickable guide for you to find exceptional resources easily.
It includes authors, books, podcasts, websites, YouTubers, and more. Enjoy!
Watch tour...
Grab your All-Access Pass here
Is it worth it?
Absolutely. We made this a "Heck yes!" The value is immense, especially considering how much this RESOURCE will help you help your child navigate school and life, how it will help the relationship, how it will help you understand your child's emotional needs, and so much more.
Get Lifetime Access to your own copy of the Reset, plus exceptional Bonuses, so you can dive deeper into how to help your child build Executive Function skills for school and life.
And buying empowers you to freely absorb the teachings your way, and at your pace.
NEED HELP? Email: info@sethperler.com
"This was amazing and so very helpful. As a parent, partner, and professional fully immersed in 2e issues, I learned so much from the speakers at TEFOS. I was familiar with only 4 of these speakers prior to the conference, and loved the creativity, passion, competence, and caring they all brought for our families. All of these talks were so helpful and some were downright mind-blowing."
- Riah E., SLP, Parent of a 2e 6 year old, Tucson, AZ

Hi, From Seth Perler
As you can see, I tried to think of everything to create a "Heck yes!" It's a phenomenal resource you benefit from throughout this Spring, and beyond, to support your child. I gave you options to learn from video, audio, transcripts, closed captioning, bonus strategies, inspirational videos for kids to help with buy-in, teacher tips, support resources, and more. All for the price of a night out.
While Executive Function is my passion, getting heart-centered speakers, building this site, running the event, and the logistics of the getting all the moving pieces into place so you can access everything easily in the All-Access Pass, is quite a feat for my little team, and for my brain. We truly go above and beyond to create something from the heart that we hope makes a difference in your child's life. We hope you'll buy it & love it.
In gratitude and service,
Seth Perler
What Parents & Teachers Are Saying...
"Seth I’m sitting here watching a session and I’m crying. I’m trying to hold back the sobs. It’s not even so much the sadness of past failings for my child but overwhelming hope and relief that I have more insight to help my son going forward. Oh my. This weekend has been a rollercoaster. Thank you Seth - so much - for putting this summit together. I bought the access pass and I can’t wait to show my son the student videos. :)" - Melanie M.
"I've purchased the TEFOS All-Access Pass for three years and believe it is a graduate-level class on executive functioning for only $99, and it's an incredible deal. Just buy it, then watch each video, take notes, summarize the key points in your own words and you'll be a MUCH better parent or educator. Several key concepts I teach in my course, The Art of Adulting, are those I've learned at TEFOS including:
-- The Procrastination Equation and Mimetic Ideation from Sarah Ward,
-- Get in Gear from Gretchen Wegner and
-- New Task Demands Create Stress from Jessica McCabe.
-- Yulia Rafailova shared her Self-Assessment and Resistance, Chaos and Transformation (The Learning Curve).
-- Seth's In-Depth Overview of Executive Function informs so much of my coaching of autistic young adults and their families systemizing self-reliance together.
You won't be sorry!" -Lynn D., Adulting Life Coach
"If you have a child struggling in any way with Executive Function issues, TEFOS is worth your time and investment! TEFOS covered topics such as: sensory processing, ADHD, study skills, reducing stress through self-regulation, dealing with your child’s inner critic, creating a growth mindset, how to deal with complicated or negative emotions related to learning, math and flexible thinking, the brain and how it relates to executive function, empowering your child to lead their own learning, innovations in biofeedback, eliminating physiological problems that might interfere with learning, and SO MUCH MORE!
The ALL-ACCESS-PASS provides bonus materials and puts the power in the hands of the viewer to move at their own pace. The free option is excellent as well! You can watch all of the videos as they are available during the three-day summit. I recommend trying to watch them all, but if time is limited, it helps to be able to pick and choose or prioritize your listening time.
Seth and this team really knocked it out of the park, and I cannot wait for next year!"
--Heather, Homeschool mom of 6th and 8th grade girls, Alabama