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Monday, Aug 24, 8am-8am PST
TODAY is the bonus day. You get to revisit the entire TEFOS below! You also get a free Q&A webinar with Seth. Scroll down for details.
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Meet Your Host, Seth Perler
I'm Seth Perler, an Executive Function & 2e Coach in Colorado. My life is dedicated to helping complicated, struggling students learn to navigate school and life so they can have a fantastic future full of choices and possibilities, where they can achieve their goals, do what matters to them, and have a great quality of life. Executive Function is the key!
Helpful links:
Click HERE to share TEFOS with a friend who wants to register (this links to the original site you registered on).
Click HERE for the full TEFOS lineup/schedule (printable PDF).
Click HERE for "TEFOS Tips", super ideas to get more out of it (printable PDF)
Click HERE for a "TEFOS Notes Template" to use with each interview (printable PDF).
Click HERE to join the Executive Function Summit 2019 Facebook group.
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Jessica McCabe
Host of "How To ADHD"
New Task Demands: How Executive Function Deficits Detail Gifted Students
You'll learn:
Learn more about what Jessica does here.
Mike Postma
Founder Gifted & Thriving, Past Executive Director of SENG, Ed. D.
Neurodiversity, Metacognition, and Executive Functioning: Impacts on the Gifted/2e Child
You'll learn:
Dr. Postma is a teacher, administrator, consultant, speaker, and, author dedicated to the holistic development of both gifted and twice-exceptional children through his new company Gifted & Thriving, LLC. Over the last two decades, Dr. Postma has worked in the field of gifted/talented education as both a teacher and administrator in the public and charter school system in Minnesota and North Carolina, and, was the architect of the Minnetonka Navigator Program, a magnet school specifically designed for highly gifted and twice-exceptional students. Dr. Postma has published a number of articles and two books, the latest titled The Inconvenient Student: Critical Issues in the Identification and Education of Twice Exceptional Students. He travels and speaks nationally and internationally on a variety of topics such as: the social/emotional development of the gifted, understanding twice-exceptional learners, gifted/talented programming, neuroscience and the gifted/2e brain, and school related topics from understanding assessment to quality instruction for gifted/2e learners.
Check out Mike's latest book, "The Inconvenient Student: Critical Issues in the Identification and Education of the Twice-Exceptional Student" and the SENG site.
Elaine Taylor-Klaus
PCC, CPCC, Author, Educator, & Coach
Raising Complex Kids with Executive Function Challenges in Complex Times
You'll learn:
Elaine Taylor-Klaus, PCC, CPCC, is the co-founder of ImpactADHD®, ImpactAnxiety, and its parent company, ImpactParents. An award-winning global resource dedicated to helping parents stay sane while raising complex kids, Impact programs provide parents with an innovative approach – a coach approach -- to navigate the challenges of raising children, teens and young adults with complex needs. A writer, parenting coach and international public speaker, Elaine advocates, trains and coaches parents around the world, on phone and video. A former member of the national Board of Directors, she continues to serve on the Public Policy Committee of CHADD (Children and Adults with ADHD); she also served as a parenting consultant for the American Academy of Pediatrics' Quality Improvement Initiative on ADHD. She is regularly sought after as a content expert on parenting complex children and teens, and has been featured in many video resources, including the KidsInTheHouse.com video warehouse, Pfizer’s Making Moments education campaign for parents, Anspear's Understanding ADHD course for teachers, TotallyADD's Parenting and ADHD video, and Ironshore's ADHD in the Morning (featured on Lifetime). Learn more here.
Dr. Sharon Saline
Psy.D., Top ADHD Specialist
Getting Stuff Done: How to improve executive functioning skills through collaboration and harnessing GRIT
You'll learn:
Sharon Saline, Psy.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist and a top expert in how to ADHD, learning differences and mental health issues affect children, teens and families. Dr. Saline has worked extensively with schools on mental health issues in the classroom, interpreting psychological evaluations and improving teacher/parents communication. Her decades of clinical expertise enables her in guiding families from the maze of emotions, conflict and stress toward successful dialog, interventions, and connection. Check out her site here.
Dayna Abraham
Calm the Chaos
How to Handle the Utter Chaos so You Can Create the Family Life You Want
You'll learn:
Learn more here.
Melissa Orlov
Founder of ADHDmarriage.com
Top Executive Function Tips for Happy Family and Spousal Relationships
You'll learn:
Melissa Orlov is the founder of ADHDmarriage.com, which helps couples impacted by ADHD understand that they are not alone and how to improve relationships. Her two life-changing books, The ADHD Effect on Marriage (2010, rev. 2020) and The Couple’s Guide to Thriving with ADHD (2014 with Nancie Kohlenberger) have won gold and silver book awards and numerous ‘best of’ accolades.
Orlov speaks around the world on how ADHD impacts ADHD. She also blogs for Psychology Today, and authored the Your Relationships column for ADDitude Magazine from 2008-2014. She is a contributing author to Married to Distraction, with Hallowell and his wife, Sue George Hallowell, LICSW, and to The Distracted Couple, the first therapist handbook about counseling couples with ADHD.
Melissa Orlov has been interviewed about the topic of ADHD and relationships by the New York Times, U.S. News and World Report, CNN, Today, AOL, The Boston Globe, the American Psychological Association Monitor and many other top news organizations. She is a cum laude graduate of Harvard College. In her free time she enjoys road biking, summers at Chautauqua Institution, hanging out with her family, and playing the cello. She and her husband of 30+ years have two children.
Sarah Cheyette
MD, Pediatric Neurologist
Using the Secrets of World Class Athletes to Improve Executive Function: How the Right Mindset Enables your Brain to Pay Attention and Get Organized
You'll learn:
Sarah Cheyette, MD., is a pediatric neurologist—a doctor who specializes in kids brains. She loves treating ADHD patients because it is so rewarding to make interventions early in life and change a kid's trajectory so that they are heading for success.
She developed techniques for changing children’s mind-set and behavior in ADHD involving the simple, powerful concepts based on the athletic mind-set and training. Just as athletes improve their athletic skills through proper coaching and training, parents can learn similar techniques to help "coach" their children through challenges. Both ADHDers and athletes need to identify challenges, set goals, learn to deal with setbacks, and work hard. A person with ADHD who does this can break away from a cycle of underachievement or outright failure to become a world-class success story! She wants to help your ADHD child to win the game, whatever the game may be! Although her therapeutic approach employs the athletic mindset as a framework, it is not intended solely for athletes - anybody with ADHD can improve their ability to focus, reduce their tendency to procrastinate, and cultivate their planning skills by developing this mindset regardless of their level of interest in sports or prior experiences in athletics. Visit Sarah's site here.
TODAY: Monday August 26th at 12:00 Noon MST!
Live Q&A with Seth: ask me anything webinar
I'm Seth Perler, and Executive Function and 2e Coach out of Boulder, CO. My life is dedicated to helping complicated, struggling students learn to navigate school and life so they can have a fantastic future where they can achieve their goals, do what matters to them and have a great quality of life.
Executive Function
Free 3-Day Online Summit
Upgrade to the All Access Pass!
Want to own your own copy of TEFOS? Save $50 or 25% on your All-Access Pass
Note: Your All-Access Pass officially begins the day after TEFOS ends, Tuesday, August 27, 2019!
The All Access Pass gives you massive value. You get:
1. One year of full access to all 23 presentations.
2. Plus, download and keep the videos forever.
3. Plus, download and keep the audio so you can listen whenever you want.
4. Plus, download PDFs of the transcripts to read and/or print.
5. Plus, a special "Implementation Resource." Each speaker designed their own resource to help you implement their teachings.
6. Bonus: Each expert made a short inspirational video just for students! I often hear parents say, "my child won't listen to me when I suggest things" so I wanted each of our speakers to share their heartfelt message directly to students! This will help reinforce essential ideas so there is more buy-in when you try to help your child. These are amazing videos, straight from the heart.
Is it worth it? Absolutely, positively, without a doubt. We made this a no-brainer. The value in these talks is immense, especially considering how much it will help you help your child navigate school and life, how it will help you build your relationship, how it will help you understand what your child needs emotionally, and so much more. Buying TEFOS empowers you to freely absorb the teachings your way and at your pace.
Note: Your All Access Pass officially begins the day after TEFOS ends, Tuesday, August 27, 2019!
Full Price is $199, save $50 or 25% now.
The All Access Pass is $149 now, or 25% off until Tuesday 12:00 noon.
Full price is $199 after that.
Executive Function
Free 3-Day Online Summit
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© 2019 Executive Function Summit. All rights reserved. Website by Stephenie Zamora Media.