About Yulia Rafailova

Executive Function Coach for Individuals and Families

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About Yulia Rafailova:

After a decade of academic coaching and consulting with over a thousand families, Yulia realized that parents play a fundamental role in helping kids and teens with ADHD cultivate crucial Executive Function Skills. She founded MindFull Education in 2017 to teach individuals and families about Executive Functioning and how to design better systems for getting along and getting stuff done. Her coaching is focused on creating empowering learning experiences through collaboration, problem-solving, and the practice of mindfulness. Having grown up with undiagnosed ADHD and an anxiety disorder, Yulia can relate deeply to the individuals she serves. Yulia serves on the Board of Directors for her local chapter of Children & Adults with ADHD (CHADD), the national resource on ADHD, where she facilitates weekly teen and adult support groups.

CHADD (Children and Adults with ADHD) is the largest national nonprofit organization providing resources, advocacy, and community for people with ADHD. Find your local chapter on chadd.org. Find free weekly body-double, book club, and adult peer support meetings on Zoom.  Greater Los Angeles CHADD on Meetup: www.meetup.com/CHADD-SFV/.

Please consider making a donation to support Yulia's CHADD Fundraiser! Click here to donate.