Paul Micallef

Autistic Life Coach and Creator of Autism From The Inside


  • Paul Micallef is an established speaker, trainer, and coach specializing in Neurodiversity and Emotional Intelligence. Paul’s core talent is making complex topics seem simple and intuitive. He uses a structured approach to cut straight to the heart of issues, bridging the empathy gap so people ‘get it’ at an emotional level.

  • Areas of expertise include:

    -Autistic Identity, Masking and Burnout

    -Navigating Neurodiversity in Intimate Relationships

    -Improving Emotional Intelligence and Social Awareness

    -Creating safe spaces (autism friendly environments at home / school / work)

  • Since discovering his own autism in 2015, Paul has worked with countless autistic adults, parents, partners, and children as a mentor and coach. His online educational resources focus on teaching about autism ‘from the inside’, always relating information within the context of the personal experience of living with a neurological difference. Paul believes that ‘every voice matters’ and works tirelessly to promote a diversity of autistic voices to help the world move past outdated stereotypes to understand ‘the human side of autism’.
  • His YouTube channel (Autism From The Inside) now has over 240,000 subscribers worldwide, helping countless late-diagnosed autistic adults on their journey of self-discovery. The annual Autism From The Inside Online Summit, featuring 75% autistic speakers, is the largest event of its kind in the world, attracting over 10,000 participants each year, educating about autism by sharing first-hand lived experience.
  • An international speaker and advocate, Paul has presented at various conferences including the Autism in Education Conference in Brisbane, and the Asia Pacific Autism Conference in Singapore. He was also the inaugural Autistic Co-chair of the Australian Autism Alliance from 2016-2022, a collaboration bringing together a diverse network of key autism organisations to advocate at a national level.

  • Paul combines a life-long interest in Emotional Intelligence, with a background in aerospace engineering, to logically deconstruct the emotional ‘systems’ at play in our brains, in our bodies, and throughout society. Through his own life experience, Paul learned how to ‘think his way’ to understand emotions and now teaches the skills we were expected to just ‘pick up’ in the course of our everyday lives. Namely, how emotions work, how people work, and how to survive as an autistic person in an inherently social world.

  • Whether you’re an educational organisation, educator, business leader, or simply someone who wants to learn more about autism, Paul’s insights will inspire and educate. With years of experience in presenting at international conferences, Paul’s presentations are tailored to meet the specific needs of your audience and leave them with practical takeaways they can apply in their personal and professional lives.

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