Diane Dempster, MHSA, CPC

Co-Founder of ImpactParents.com, Educator, and Parenting Coach

Topic: What's Yelling Got to Do with Executive Function? Tame the Triggers and Dial the Family Drama Down

What You Will Learn: Sometimes emotions get really intense in complex families -- for parents, kids, or both! Maybe there’s more yelling than we’d like; or maybe we avoid, procrastinate, deny or shut down. We know we ‘should’ keep things calm and keep kids engaged, but we don’t know how. Learn the real cause of triggers and stress in your home along with 4 proven steps to recover when things become a “hot mess!” Whether you’re trying to get kids off of technology, do their homework, go to bed, or just enjoy a family dinner together without a lot of drama, learn how to restore a sense of calm and connection in your home.

Website: click here >

About Diane: Diane Dempster is a certified professional coach, speaker, educator, and co-founder of the award-winning resource for parents, ImpactADHD.com. With a Masters from the University of Michigan and coach certification from the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), Diane is the co-author of Parenting ADHD Now! Easy Intervention Strategies to Empower Kids with ADHD, and the co-creator of the behavior management program, "The Sanity School Course for Parents."

Diane Dempster, MHSA, CPC

Co-Founder of ImpactParents.com, Educator, and Parenting Coach

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Topic: What's Yelling Got to Do with Executive Function? Tame the Triggers and Dial the Family Drama Down


What You Will Learn: Sometimes emotions get really intense in complex families -- for parents, kids, or both! Maybe there’s more yelling than we’d like; or maybe we avoid, procrastinate, deny or shut down. We know we ‘should’ keep things calm and keep kids engaged, but we don’t know how. Learn the real cause of triggers and stress in your home along with 4 proven steps to recover when things become a “hot mess!” Whether you’re trying to get kids off of technology, do their homework, go to bed, or just enjoy a family dinner together without a lot of drama, learn how to restore a sense of calm and connection in your home.

 For a transcript of this video click here.

Diane's Links:

Website: ImpactParents.com, click here >

Free Guide: 10 Tips to Stop Meltdowns in Their Tracks!, click here >

About Diane: Diane Dempster is a professional coach, speaker, educator, and recovering yelling mom with over 20 years of corporate leadership experience. The co-Founder of ImpactADHD® (Now ImpactParents.com) , co-creator of Sanity School® for Parents  , and co-author of " Parenting ADHD Now! Easy Intervention Strategies to Empower Kids with ADHD " Diane provides training, coaching and support for parents and educators. Through ImpactParents, Diane helps parents access the best resources, training, and coaching so they, too, can find their answers. An experienced leader, an expert in change management, and all - around life - sherpa, Diane helps clients create deep, sustaining change and open their eyes to life. And no one needs this more than parents of complex kids. Diane received a Masters from the University of Michigan and coaching certification from the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC). 

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