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"We just wanted to say thank you for sparking, then organizing a total turn around for our smart but scattered and very discouraged kid. Your methods and systems really worked and turned our kid back into school, and turned him from a C-D student into an A+ student and took him into the college of his dreams - and a highly selective one at that. We are very grateful, and your program was successful beyond our wildest dreams and best hopes. Many Thanks - Jon, Mariah and Elias"
I hope you will join us!
Seth Perler
At the heart of this program are 10 exceptional Sprints. These are powerful bootcamps where we take action together, and finally build the right mindsets, systems, skills, and habits. Each Sprint focuses on 1 core building block.
During these live events, we get to know each other, so I can personally coach and encourage your child and you. Feel a sense of relief as your child builds EF skills.
For students only, Co-working parties with Seth. These are like relaxed, positive, study halls that include EF Coaching, Connection, and Getting important stuff done! Students accelerate progress by being with each other in this positive group.
You get a special hub with everything you need, and it's easy to use! (Indexed replays, calendars, zoom links, parent resources, etc.)
Parents, I meet with you live for Office Hours and Q&A where you can pick my brain and dive deeper. Get concrete strategies to support your child's Executive Function, so they can gain the skills to be successful in school and life.
Get connected to an awesome group as you hear how other like-minded parents are going through the same things. People accelerate progress by being with each other in a positive group.
"Hi Seth, I wanted to tell you how much your course helped me:
- My grades are the highest they have ever been at the end of the semester, with almost all As and Bs except for math which has never been my strong suit. Without the help from your course, I would have all high Ds or low Cs.
- Several of my teachers have said, "You are such an amazing advocate for yourself and I think you should teach some of the other kids how to be as amazing as you!"
- My dad says, "You have become more independent when doing homework which makes both you and me happier."
- My school counselor says, "You have been making great progress and will have better grades at the end of 2nd quarter than you did last year!"
- I was more prepared for my finals and got high Bs or low As on all of them except math
- I was able to turn in more things on time than in the past and got most of my missing assignments turned in before the deadline which has been hard for me in past years
- I was able to meet with more teachers because they reminded me which was not possible in years past
- My mom says, "This past semester was a success for Maya in many ways, as well as for myself. In the past, the academic dip would have caused lots of nagging on my part and yelling on hers.
- I have been more organized and did not lose as many important papers
- I had less missing assignments (6 spread over 3 classes) and in past years I’ve had 20 per class in about 4 classes
I look forward to continuing to use your methods to help me navigate next semester. You have taught me new ways and methods that I would’ve never thought of. You’ve listened to me and understood me in ways previous tutors and executive function coaches couldn't. I was shocked when I first watched your videos and you described me to a T. I am so glad to have acquired new academic skills and habits through your course which have helped me in more ways than just the ones I stated above."
- Maya H
(From Maya's mom) "We were able to avoid all of that because she was more organized and on top of her grades compared to semesters past. I look forward to seeing what she does in the future to build on these skills! As an educator, I have taken some of the methods you taught Maya and shared them with colleagues and parents. I can definitely see my own professional and parental growth thanks to this course."
The Fall 2023 BSY Program starts today. We’ll do a great overview of the program, strategize Back To School (even if you already started), do a Pre-Assessment, and more. You’ll walk away feeling clear and hopeful.
Today we’ll set up the foundation of solid organizational systems and structures. We use proven methods to begin organizing papers, folders, backpack, supplies, your SSS (Sacred Study Space), and your digital world.
Get our planners completely set up for the entire school year, the right way. I’ll teach you all my tips and tricks, and we’ll get it done. Also learn how to do easy Daily planning.
Today we will build a solid framework of key Habits & Routines to make life easier: Bedtime, Morning, Homework, Food, Exercise and more.
It’s not a question of “if” you will hit the mid-semester DIP because it’s gonna happen! So it’s a question of, “how well will we navigate (get back on track) the DIP?” I’ll walk you through every step needed to get back on track, together! It will also serve as a pep-talk to help keep momentum going.
Learn the SNO, Sunday Night Overhaul/reset maintenance process. These are the specific steps I teach students for how to do weekly maintenance, which is an absolutely critical habit in order to stay on top of things. Learn how to build this core routine, so you can do SNO on your own so things don’t fall apart.
Today we’ll look deeper at HOW to study and do homework efficiently and effectively. We will look at how to approach the different types of long term assignments I call PEPR, Papers, Exams, Projects and Reading assignments.
I’ll walk your child and you through how to make sure things don’t fall apart at the very end of the semester, during "Hail Mary Time", so your child can end on a high note.
Today is a massive 3 hour Co-Working session for accountability, focus, and encouragement. All students and parents show up at the normal time. For those who can stay, I’ll help the students for hours during this stressful time.
Today we’ll talk about how to finish strong, tie up loose ends, and prepare for next semester. And we’ll celebrate you and your efforts!
Live after all Sprints, I host Q&A coaching for students, then parents.
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I just wanted to write a brief thank you. I appreciate you so very much! My son just got in trouble at school. Your perfectly timed Vlog helped me write the perfect response back to the teacher. I'm proud of how I handled the situation and it was absolutely inspired by your wisdom and caring approach. You have truly helped change my parenting for the better and you have been such an inspirational source as I navigate through parenting my wonderful (but sometimes challenging) 2E boys. Thank you so much for all you do for kids, parents and teachers.- Jane T from Falls Church, VA
I know you get a ton of email but I can’t help but throw some gratitude your way. I am a mom with an amazing kid with executive functioning challenges. She is 15. Took your UGYG course last semester- It was very helpful. I devoured every presenter at the summit. I couldn’t stop. They were all so amazing. just giving me so much hope about the world and helping my daughter with EF challenges, and also just helping me be a better parent all the way around.You’ve given us all so many great resources and it can be so overwhelming and isolating and frankly hopeless at times so please remember how much good you do!
Be well Seth! And thank you again for everything. Keep up the great work.
Just wanted to say thank you for your passion and commitment to those who are neurologically diverse and I am so tired of the current educational framework. I support kids who have ADHD, Autism, Executive Function deficits and 2e but the school system just fails them! Just tired. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU - Kimmie B
I just want to acknowledge you for making a difference and offering hope to our world's future...that these kids will create! - Denise W from Houston TX
Thank you for "getting" and supporting kids with EF challenges. Your passion to avoid kids falling through the cracks is obvious and appreciated! You have made a difference! - Janice G from Canada
We were so grateful to find you when we did. You put wind back in our sails just listening to your knowledge and understanding of the exact struggles our son faces and provide tools and strategies to help him experience success and support him. It is a work in progress, but we are encouraged. Thank you - Meegan F mother of15 year old son who has ADHD and EF Challenges
Your writing style is perfect for what you do. Nothing worse than "faux cool"! Your personal story is both brave and extremely professional because the people who come to you have been through the wringer. We don't want to be placated or sold a neat package that claims to solve our problems. You speak honestly and with integrity, from experience and with a deep commitment to the people I care about most. You're a Mensch. Thank you! - Shula from West Vancouver, B.C., Canada
You are just incredible, Seth! From one EF coach to another, let me just say that your heart is in exactly the right place and your message of supporting the WHOLE kid by belonging, to alleviate parents’ fear is what our system needs right now. Thank you for continuing to have the courage to speak out, speak up and cut through the noise to support kids!!
THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for all the work you put into helping parents and teachers understand and help kids lead their best life possible. As a mom, you've helped me understand and work with my quirky kid. As a high school teacher, you've helped me better understand and help some of my struggling students. - Melanie R
I want to thank you for all that you are doing to help our 2e kids. What sticks out to me is that you say it is imperative to help these kids because the world needs them and their incredible minds. Your passion for that shows. This is the very reason I feel determined to find my son the right help. The world needs him and his eccentric, inquisitive, thoughtful brain. - Billie Jean N