If you want me to email you Maui specific updates, about what is going on here or how you can help, enter your email here:
This Paddle Out was a very important event for a lot of use here on Maui to come together. This YouTube video does a pretty good job of recent updates.
CONTACT SETH with questions or thoughts about Maui on this google form.
Hi from Seth Perler,
I do live on Maui, and have had so many of you reaching out from all over, with love and concern, wanting to know how to help out the Maui community, and wanting to know what's going on here.
So I made this page to communicate Maui updates for those who are interested. I don't know how this page will work to be most helpful, but for now here it is at least.
There is SO MUCH NEED here, and it's so complicated. I'll do my best to use this page explain what you might be able to do. I am truly grateful for all of you. I have the best audience I could ever imagine, thank you for the outpouring of kindness,
PS - if you can help me manage this page, I could sure use it. Please email me at info@sethperler.com if you have time to help with this. I need proper links added, someone to research the validity of things, etc..