Lea Anne Paskvalich
Next Steps Consulting LLC
Topic: Parent Advice for Navigating EF Resources, with Expertise in Autism/ASD
What You Will Learn:
- How do you find Executive Function resources and connect with people that can help?
- Why Executive Function is often the number one challenge for kids on the spectrum?
- What can trigger anxiety and how does anxiety play into Executive Function challenges?
- That other challenges can get in the way of Executive Function and what to do about them.
Bio: Lea Anne Paskvalich is the Founder of Next Steps Consulting LLC, the Executive Director of the Autism Society of Colorado and the former Director of Admissions and Public Relations for Temple Grandin School in Boulder, Colorado. For the last 18 years she has worked to guide and connect people with autism and their families to education, resources and relationships that will help the, thrive, not just survive.
Lea Anne's deep understanding of students on the spectrum and the challenges they face is illustrated in Chapter 17: Lessons From the Admissions Office in the recently released, "A Spectrum of Solutions for Clients with Autism: Treatment for Adolescents and Adults". Here she writes about focusing on four key areas: anxiety management, teaching executive functioning skills, teaching social communication skills, and supporting academic progress.
Website: www.nextstepsconsult.com/
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