Elaine Taylor-Klaus
PCC, CPCC, Author, Educator, & Coach
Topic: Complex Kids and Complex Times: Motivation and Executive Function in the Pandemic
What You Will Learn:
- What are complex kids and why is Executive Function important to understanding them?
- What does Motivation have to do with Executive Function?
- What are the Five Motivators for People who struggle with Executive Function?
- What can parents do now to minimize Executive Function challenges in the pandemic?
Bio: Elaine Taylor-Klaus, PCC, CPCC, is the co-founder of ImpactADHD®, ImpactAnxiety, and its parent company, ImpactParents. An award-winning global resource dedicated to helping parents stay sane while raising complex kids, Impact programs provide parents with an innovative approach – a coach approach -- to navigate the challenges of raising children, teens and young adults with complex needs. A writer, parenting coach and international public speaker, Elaine advocates, trains and coaches parents around the world, on phone and video. A former member of the national Board of Directors, she continues to serve on the Public Policy Committee of CHADD (Children and Adults with ADHD); she also served as a parenting consultant for the American Academy of Pediatrics' Quality Improvement Initiative on ADHD. She is regularly sought after as a content expert on parenting complex children and teens, and has been featured in many video resources, including the KidsInTheHouse.com video warehouse, Pfizer’s Making Moments education campaign for parents, Anspear's Understanding ADHD course for teachers, TotallyADD's Parenting and ADHD video, and Ironshore's ADHD in the Morning (featured on Lifetime).
A Wesleyan University graduate (Connecticut) and CORO Fellow (New York) with a background in community organizing and social work, Elaine's challenges raising three complex children of her own, coupled with her own middle-aged diagnosis of learning and attention issues (she describes herself as the mom in an ADHD ++ family of five), led her to seek a path to support other parents in fostering healthy families with complex kids. After taking the GREs (over 40!) in preparation for a PhD, she discovered the innovative modality of coaching, and she was hooked. Coaching was positive, empowering and forward-looking; as an added benefit, the impact on her relationships with her children (and spouse) improved dramatically. Coaching proved to be a powerful way to create lasting change for herself, and for her children. Through training and certification as a professional coach, Elaine discovered that the changes she was making in herself led to extraordinary benefits for her family. She continued her training in specialty areas such as ADHD, coaching students, scream-free training, and more. Drawing from all of her previous professional endeavors -- founding one of the largest political action committees in Georgia, establishing a Speakers Series to support service providers and caregivers of kids with a wide range of complex needs, working for the NYC Commission on the Status of Women, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, and as an appointee on the Governor’s Council for Maternal and Infant Health (Georgia) -- she launched Touchstone Coaching, a leadership, executive, and personal coaching practice, and pioneered the Touchstone Method to help clients overcome obstacles and develop strategies for change and growth.
In 2010 Elaine joined forces with Diane Dempster, a fellow leadership coach with parallel experiences: she too was a mother of complex kids who witnessed the benefits to her family when she became a coach. Together they launched ImpactADHD.com, now ImpactParents.com, using a combination of coaching, community, and (mostly virtual) classroom training to teach and guide parents and educators to foster the change they want to see, helping complex kids take over the leadership of their own lives. ImpactParents, the parent company for ImpactADHD® and ImpactAnxiety, is the first virtual coaching and training resource designed specifically for parents raising children in complex circumstances. Their keystone behavior management program, "The Sanity School Course for Parents" (and parallel Sanity School Course for Teachers) provide an essential component of what is recommended treatment for complex kids: well-informed, guided and supported parent interventions.
Since establishing the Impact companies, Elaine has written nearly a thousand blogs, articles and chapters for her own award-winning blog, as well as for publications such as Attention and Additude magazines, and other journals and anthologies. Her first book on ADHD, co-authored with Diane Dempster, Parenting ADHD Now! Easy Intervention Strategies to Empower Kids with ADHD, is prominent in BookAuthority's "100 Best ADHD Books of All Time," and her new book The Essential Guide to Raising Complex Kids with ADHD, Anxiety and More, will be released September 2020. Bonus gifts, including a “The Essential Guide's Parenting in a Pandemic Supplement," are available at ImpactADHD.com/Essential.
Website: https://impactadhd.com/
Pre-Order Her New Book: The Essential Guide to Raising Complex Kids with ADHD, Anxiety, and More https://impactadhd.com/essential
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