Adrianne Meldrum
Founder of Made for Math
Topic: Simple Ways to Win at Remote Learning in 2020: How to Support Your Child’s Executive Function at Home
What You Will Learn:
- Keeping our expectations real
- Creating a schedule that the family and child can embrace
- Supporting your child in their remote work
- Self-advocating (what does it look like and how to do it)
- Using tech in your advocating
- Getting appropriate help
Bio: Adrianne Meldrum is the founder and owner of Made for Math (MFM), an all-online math center focused on serving students with the gifts of dyslexia, ADHD, and autism. She's a certified teacher and has been coaching students since 2006. She received multisensory math training from Marilyn Zecher and also received 2E and Gifted education from Bridges Academy. Adrianne is married with three boys. She lives in Mesa, AZ (a recent change) where she enjoys poolside living.
Website: https://madeformath.com/
In this bonus video below, you'll see how I use technology to advocate for various needs as a remote learner. These are tasks you can teach your child to do independently. I hope these tips help you can some sanity this year! Click to watch.
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