Thank you for purchasing the
TEFOS All-Access Pass
🔴 Please Create Account Now
Doing it NOW will make it easier for you
🔴 NOTE: You will receive a confirmation email from (Check Spam)
Is this your FIRST time logging into the TEFOS All-Access Pass?
1. If so, you MUST register here first to create your account, so you can login.
2. Choose a USERNAME you will remember.
3. Enter your first and last name.
3. Enter the EXACT email address you just purchased with, or it will not work.
4. Create a PASSWORD that's at least 8 characters, enter it twice so it works properly, and click "Submit Registration".
5. RECORD username, email and password where you can find it.
Did you purchase TEFOS in a previous year?
1. If so, you already have an account, so use THAT login information.
2. Click the "Existing Account" tab & login with your previous username and password to add 2021 to your TEFOS account.
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