Jeff Copper
Topic: Executive Function — Is Your Working Memory Working? Understanding a Key System Students Need for Success
What You Will Learn:
- Recognize executive function and how it applies to students
- Understand working memory and how it impacts those who struggle with attention
- Apply key mindsets and strategies to manage executive function and working memory challenges effectively
- Witness existing strategies that students might be using but do not recognize
- Employ tools in school that will help manage around working memory challenges.
Bio: Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, is an attention coach, an expert on attention and ADHD. As founder of DIG Coaching Practice, Jeff coaches individuals and entrepreneurs with ADD/ADHD symptoms who are seeking to improve personal and professional results. He helps others to overcome information overload, chronic disorganization, ADHD symptoms, time management problems, impulsivity, and other conditions that may hinder advancement.
As someone who has had to learn to manage attention and deal with his own challenges, Jeff's mission is to help others understand themselves and how their minds work. That's why he developed his anatomy of attention construct to help people with ADHD and other attention challenges to regain control of their attention and move past the barriers that impede their focus. It works by teaching them how to identify the underlying causes of their distractions, clear them, and pay attention to the right things at the right time.
Website: https://digcoaching.com/
To show our appreciation for your attendance, we’re offering you a FREE copy of our digital cartoon book, “Surfing Attention.” Plus, you’ll automatically be entered in our drawing for a 45-minute 1-on-1 phone call with ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper. Just visit www.digcoaching.com/tefos/ to claim your gift!
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Attention Talk News is our e-newsletter providing updates on content from our other media sources: Attention Talk Video and Attention Talk Radio. By subscribing, you will receive four newsletters a year with information about recent and upcoming shows, events, humor, and what is important in the world of ADHD and attention, including guest content and information to help those who are impacted by ADHD.
We continue to develop the newsletter and online content to provide our audience with a more robust multimedia source of entertainment and education. As always, there will be an emphasis on paying attention to what you are paying attention to so you can get unstuck and move forward. The Attention Talk Network helps you manage ADHD by paying attention to what does work, rather than attending to what we think should work.
We welcome your comments, suggestions, and questions. Email us at attention@attentiontalkradio.com.ATTENTION TALK RADIO
Got ADHD? Want relevant information from the leading ADHD thought leaders? Attention Talk Radio… Your ADHD Information Station is the place to get it. You can access current and archived content conveniently online using a web browser, a tablet, or smartphone. Content is streamed by all the most popular audio apps. Attention Talk Radio is the leading site for self-help Internet radio shows focusing on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD) in life or business who are stuck, overwhelmed, or frustrated. It will help adults and children get unstuck and moving forward by helping to open their minds and pay attention to what works. Check it out today!
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Attention Talk Video is hosted by ADHD & Attention Coach Jeff Copper www.digcoaching.com. Attention Talk Video (www.attentiontalkvideo.com) is a part of the Attention Talk Network, which includes Attention Talk Radio... Your ADHD Information Station! (www.attentiontalkradio.com), Attention Talk News... Your ADHD News Source! (www.attentiontalknews.com), and Attention Talk Video... Your ADHD Talk Show Station!
Attention Talk Video is a leading video resource providing educational information and support for those with or impacted by ADD/ADHD). Educational information is intended to help our targeted audience made up of adults and children to manage their symptoms to enable them to function at work, in school, at home, or in relationships. If you are frustrated, overwhelmed, or stuck or if you procrastinate, are not organized, or struggle with time management, consider subscribing to Attention Talk Video at http://www.attentiontalkvideo.com. Thank you for watching. New videos are released weekly, so subscribe and tell your friends about us.
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