Gretchen Wegner
M.Ed., Academic Life Coach
Topic: How to Get in Gear: A Simple Checklist for Troubleshooting Time Management with EF-Challenged Students
What You Will Learn:
- What “agency” is and why it’s important to center our students’ agency when discussing executive function skill development
- How procrastination gets in the way of students’ effective time management
- A checklist of 4 kinds of toolkits students need to tackle anti-procrastination
- How to use this checklist on a daily/weekly basis with students to help them strengthen their time management muscles
- One way being a "peer" to your student may be more successful than trying to be "parent"
Bio: Gretchen Wegner is an Academic Life Coach who inspires students to uncover their true identities as capable, clever, and creative learners in school and life. She is an internationally recognized expert in how to destressify school by building their executive function skills, teaching teens a unique system for time management, organization and studying called The Anti-Boring Approach to Powerful Studying™.
Not only has Gretchen coached hundreds of students in middle school through grad school, she now trains educators all over the world in her unique, powerful, and research-based system for transforming students into voracious, organized learners through her signature courses The Art of Inspiring Students to Study Strategically and the Anti-Boring Approach™ Coach Training Program.
A former Fulbright Fellow, Gretchen has a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction and was a credentialed middle and high school teacher. She is also the inventor of the MuseCubes™, a productivity toy that helps people — quite literally! — shake their brains free when they’re feeling stuck. Always an advocate of playful rigor in school and in life, she is also a public speaker, improvisational performer, lindy hop dancer, backpacker, and proud resident of Oakland, California.
If you are interested in taking one of Gretchen’s FREE or PAID courses for students/parents or educators, check out the complete list here: https://gretchenwegner.com/anti-boring-courses/ You might also be interested in joining her Anti-Boring Educators’ Community (we're engaged in some pretty exciting ongoing professional development for educators and parents-who-teach). You are always welcome to email her at gretchen@gretchenwegner.com for any questions or comments; let’s chat!
Website: www.GretchenWegner.com
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