Debbie Reber
M.A., TiLT Parenting Podcast, Author
Topic: The Deep Work of Parenting — The Benefits for Ourselves and Our Kids' Executive Functioning Development of Doing Deep, Inner Work
What You Will Learn:
- The benefits of embodying a curious mindset and how that benefits our kids
- Accountability strategies and "shaping the path" for success
- How to define, practice, and model self-care as a mindset and way of life
- How to ditch negative self-talk and embrace self-compassion
- How to build in support for doing the deep inner work and foster a culture of personal development in our families
Bio: Deborah Reber, MA, is a parenting activist, New York Times bestselling author, podcast host, and speaker who moved her career in a more personal direction in 2016 when she founded TiLT Parenting, a top resource for parents like her who are raising differently wired children. The TiLT Parenting Podcast has grown to be a top podcast in iTunes’ Kids and Family category, with more than 2 million downloads and a slate of guests that includes high-profile thought leaders across the parenting and education space. A regular contributor to Psychology Today and ADDitude Magazine, Debbie’s newest book is Differently Wired: Raising an Exceptional Child in a Conventional World.
Website: https://tiltparenting.com/
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