Carley Rae Ellingson

Founding Director of LEARN Inc.

Topic: Somatic Awareness and Executive Functioning.

You'll learn:

  1. ​What is Somatic Awareness?
  2. What are the components of neuro-sensory functioning?
  3. Where do EF skills fit into neuro-sensory models?
  4. How does touch fit into improving EF skills?
  5. What does it mean to stay in our center?
  6. What are some actionable tools for improving that comping skill of staying centered?
  7. What does it mean to be regulated to ourselves and out environments?

Carley Rae Ellingson is a mindfulness based wellness educator, master bodyworker, IONS Conscious Aging facilitator, organizational consultant, and founding director of LEARN INC. She offers individual sessions in bodywork, fitness training, somatic understanding, stress resiliency, meditation practice. Learn more (
