Brendan Mahan
M.Ed., M.S., host of the ADHD Essentials Podcast
Topic: Executive Function & ADHD: How emotions & anxiety affect performance.
You'll learn:
- What is "The Wall of Awful"?
- What role does anxiety play in Executive Function challenges?
- Why are permission and forgiveness such valuable tools in our parenting tool box?
- How does our child's behavior differ depending on which part of the brain is in charge: the prefrontal cortex, the amygdala, or both?
Brendan Mahan, M.Ed., M.S., is the host of the ADHD Essential Podcast, an internationally recognized ADHD/Executive Function expert, and an engaging, sought-after speaker. He helps individuals, families, schools, and businesses manage the challenges of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder through an approach that blends education, collaborative problem-solving, and accountability with compassion, humor, and a focus on strengths and growth. Learn more at (www.ADHDessentials.com), or email Brendan at (brendan@ADHDessentials.com).